Seventh Scholarly Article in 2020
Bayarsaikhan Tsolmon, Ph.D. candidate in city planning, became successful in publishing a scientific paper with me on inbound tourism in Mongolia. The paper is based on primary data from a tourist survey and beneficial both to academia and practice. As with other IPL publications, this piece will contribute to multiple academic disciplines including tourism studies, international development, and urban and regional planning among others. Congratulations, Tsolmon!
도시계획학 박사수료생인 트솔몬이 저와 몽골 외래관광에 관한 학술논문을 출판하게 되었습니다. 논문은 관광객 설문조사를 통한 일차자료를 이용하였으며 학계와 실무 모두를 염두에 두고 있습니다. 융복합연구실의 다른 연구처럼 이 논문도 관광학, 국제개발, 도시 및 지역계획을 포함한 다양한 학술분야에 기여할 것입니다. 트솔몬씨, 축하합니다!
Tsolmon, Bayarsaikhan, Sang-Tae Kim, and Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim (corresponding). Foreign tourists’ destination choice differences according to Plog’s personality types: analyzing the case of Mongolia based on the recreation opportunity spectrum. International Journal of Urban Sciences. (Accepted)
For a full list of journal publications, go to 연구업적 (PUBLICATIONS) > 학술지 (Academic Journals).