Sixth Journal Article Forthcoming in 2020 (in the Field of Happiness Studies)

Since the 2017 International Conference on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (SPSD), which was hosted by the Graduate School of Environmental Studies under the theme of “Happy City, Happy Life”, the IPL has expanded its interests to happiness, quality of life, and well-being and their relationships with the built and natural environments of the city. As a result, a paper on how transportation services in a city affect happiness was accepted for publication in a premier international journal, Growth and Change.

서울대 환경계획융복합연구실은 2017년 환경대학원에서 “행복한 도시, 행복한 삶”이라는 주제로 개최된 SPSD(Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development) 국제 컨퍼런스 이후로 행복, 삶의 질, 웰빙과 도시의 건조 및 자연환경의 관계에 대하여 관심을 기울여 왔습니다. 그 결과로서 도시의 교통서비스가 행복에 미치는 영향을 다룬 논문이 최고수준 국제저널인 Growth and Change에 게재가 확정되었습니다.

Gim, Tae-Hyoung Tommy. The relationship between overall happiness and perceived transportation services relative to other individual and environmental variables. Growth and Change. (Accepted)

For a full list of journal publications, go to 연구업적 (PUBLICATIONS) > 학술지 (Academic Journals).