A Journal Publication

A paper co-authored by Nana and me was accepted for publication in an SSCI journal, the Journal of Transport and Land Use. As such, ALL international students who received my advice at the master’s level (Olin, Ryan, Nurlin, and Nana) became successful in publishing in top-tier international journals based on a one-on-one collaboration with me. Note: The paper was based on his master’s thesis, but substantially modified through the review process.

나나와 내가 공동 저술한 논문이 SSCI 저널인 Journal of Transport and Land Use에 게재 확정되었습니다. 이로써 내가 지도한 석사 국제학생들(올린, 라이언, 눌린, 나나)은 “모두” 나와의 1:1 공동 작업으로 국제 저널에 출판하는 성과를 거두게 되었습니다. 참고: 해당 논문은 나나의 석사학위논문을 기본으로 하지만 심사과정에서 전체적으로 변경되었습니다.

Oppong-Yeboah, Nana Yaw and Tae-Hyoung Tommy Gim (corresponding). Does urban form influence automobile trip frequency in Accra, Ghana? Journal of Transport and Land Use. (Accepted)

For a full list of journal publications, go to 연구업적 (PUBLICATIONS) > 학술지 (Academic Journals).